We now have a collection of resources available below for those who would like to know more about Humic Acids with more to follow:

Why is WH67® so different?

Frequently asked questions

Four factors to consider when feeding Humic Acids

A sound intestinal flora- more than just a gut feeling!

Black Powders. Part 1: The raw materials and their differences

Black Powders. Part 2: The extraction of raw materials

Black Powders. Part 3: The mode of action and their differences

Black Powders. Part 4: Scientific study overview

Black Powders. Part 5: Final summary

The neutralisation capacity of standardized Humic Acids


Scientific studies confirm the vulnerability of the liver in dairy cows

Dairy Cows Consuming 10% Less Protein

Subacute Rumen Acidosis and the Endotoxin challenge

Video of Humate fed cows

Poultry (turkeys/broilers)

Influence of feeding WH67 Humic Acid in turkey rearing

WH67 improves the health, growth and FCR of turkeys

Reduction of glyphosate in chicken organs by feeding Humic Acids

Humic acids WH67® support the functionality of turkeys’ gut and thus ensure a healthy rearing

Poultry (layers)

WH67 Factsheet for layers August 2022

Chick behaviour with humic acid

Chick behaviour without humic acid

The influence of feeding standardised humic acids to laying hens on selected performance and egg quality parameters as well as on mortality


German Feed Company Leading with Science-Led Nutrition- December 2022

Inflammation and Necrosis syndrome in pigs

Produce safe feed even under high price pressure!

Opportunities of WH67 Humic Acid for Necrosis

Tail biting in pig fattening? Not with WH67!

Influence of Humic Acids on the rearing performance and health of piglets

A combination of WH67 and Benzoic Acid in piglet feed

Humic Acids improve growth performance and feed intake of piglets